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How to sell a car?

Selling cars is a process that requires preparation and following certain steps. Listed here are some general steps that every car dealer should know.

Asking price:

Research the prices of similar cars on the market to determine the fair market value of your car. One of the best online car market portal in Estonia to search from is  Consider the car's age, mileage, condition and other important factors.

Preparation for sale:

Make the car attractive to potential buyers. Clean the interior and wash the outside of the car. It is also advisable to make minor repairs and it would also be reasonable to have the car have a minor maintenance/inspection by specialists. High-quality images are very important for advertisements. If possible, use a professional photographer to take photos of the car.

Preparation of documents:

Collect all the necessary documents, including the car registration certificate, service book and other important papers. Make sure all taxes and insurance are up to date.

Advertise your car:

Use different channels to sell your car. This can includes online webportals, social media, print media or even telling about the deal to your friends and family. Add clear and detailed photos to your ad and describe onestly the car's condition and features.

Answer queries:

Be prepared to answer inquiries from potential buyers. Be honest and willing to share more information about the car's history, maintenance, and more.

Contract and test drive:

If someone shows interest in coming to see the car, if possible arrange a test drive and make sure that the potential buyer is aware of the condition of the car. When drawing up the contract, do not forget all the necessary data and conditions.

Payment and delivery:

Once a buyer has been found and an agreement reached, arrange mutual settlement and formalize the handover of the car. Make sure that all the necessary documentation is completed, including a proper and comprehensible purchase and sale agreement for both parties.

Remember that every sale can be different, and it's important to be honest and transparent throughout the process. If you're not sure how to take a step or what information to convey, it may be wise to involve a professional in the sales process, such as a car consultant or salesperson.