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Porsche Cayenne S MY2015 4.1 283kW

31 900 €
30 900 €
VAT will not be added to the price
Passenger car
Body type
283 kW
Drive shaft
Four wheel drive

Main data

  • Type:
    Passenger car
  • Body type:
  • Year:
  • Mileage
    171 000 km
  • Transmission
  • Drive shaft
    Four wheel drive
  • Service history:
  • Factory warranty:
  • First registration country:
  • Current registration country:

Technical data


  • Engine capacity:
    4.1 l
  • Engine power:
    283 kw
  • Top speed:
    252 km/h
  • Engine capacity:
    4134 cm³
  • CO₂ (NEDC):
    209 g/km


  • Fuel type:
  • Fuel consumption (city):
    10 l/100 km
  • Fuel consumption (highway):
    7 l/100 km
  • Fuel consumption (average):
    8 l/100 km

Annual fee

492,68 €

Calculated values ​​are indicative! The annual tax is payable twice a year (50% by June 15 and 50% by December 15) and consists of a base fee, emissions and weight component, both of which steer users towards less polluting and lighter cars. NB! The calculated result is based on the data in the ad and may differ from reality if the data is inaccurate or incomplete!

Registration fee

1684,5 €

The registration fee must be paid when the car is first registered at Estonian Transportation Administrartion. It consists of the base fee, the emission rate and the car's weight. The fee is reduced by the age factor, the older the car, the lower the fee.


⦿ Müüa heas lisavarustuses Porsche Cayenne S Diesel Facelift MY2015 ⦿ Tehniliselt-ja visuaalselt korralik kasutatud auto. Olemas hooldusraamat ning margi esinduses digitaalsel kujul hooldusajalugu kontrollitav. O ⦿ Lisavarustus: LED Tuled, Automaatne kaugtulede vahetus, Roolisoojendus, Comfort istmed, Juhtmevaba CarPlay/Android Auto, Bose helisüsteem, Panoraam katuseluuk, Elektriline konks, Sport väljalase, Pimenurga andurid, Lane assist, Taga kaamera, Soft close uksed, Elektriline tagaluuk, 21 valuveljed, Webasto, 4x istmesoojendus, Laiendatud nahapakett (uksed, armatuur), Alcantara lagi, Topeltklaasid, Taga kliima, Rehvirõhu andurite süsteem ⦿ Iga ostueelne kontroll on teretulnud, et veenduda auto korrasolekus. ⦿ Omame „Tunnustatud automüüja“ kvaliteedimärki, mida väljastab Autode Müügi- ja Teenindusettevõtete Liit (AMTEL). ⦿ Suhtleme EST/RUS/ENG keeles. ⦿ Vastavalt Eesti Liikluskindlustus Fondi kodulehele ei ole antud sõiduk osalenud kindlustusjuhtumis. Lisainfo saamiseks pöörduge müügikonsultandi poole või vaadake täpsemalt LKF kodulehelt:

Tartu, Estonia
Seller: Private person
Phone: +372 **** ****

Check vehicle history!

Check the history of your current or future vehicle:

  • Accidents
  • Mileage history
  • Inspection records
  • Damage records
  • Recorded images
  • Safety recalls by manufacturer
  • Ownership changes
  • Theft records

Avoid costly problems by checking a vehicle's history

Porsche Cayenne S MY2015 4.1 283kW

31 900 €
30 900 €
VAT will not be added to the price
Tartu, Estonia
Seller: Private person
Phone: +372 **** ****
Seller: Private person
Tartu, Estonia