This is a financial service, the results of the calculation may differ from the actual offer.
Calculated values are indicative! The annual tax is payable twice a year (50% by June 15 and 50% by December 15) and consists of a base fee, emissions and weight component, both of which steer users towards less polluting and lighter cars. NB! The calculated result is based on the data in the ad and may differ from reality if the data is inaccurate or incomplete!
The registration fee must be paid when the car is first registered at Estonian Transportation Administrartion. It consists of the base fee, the emission rate and the car's weight. The fee is reduced by the age factor, the older the car, the lower the fee.
Müüa TR1 klassi Suzuki Jimny Tegemist on esikohtadele sõitva autoga, mis koosneb paljust heast ja paremast: Mölgid käivad asjaga kaasa Liana 1.6 78kw mootor (passis) Reinsalu Spordi poolt toodetud turvakaar (ametlikult passis ehk tänavalegaalne) Aeglane vahekast 4.16 2x ARB diffrilukud Longfieldi tugevad pooltelied ja püsikad Taga ketaspidurid koos toimiva käsipiduriga Kiire Runva elektrivints nööriga ning ohu pealt freespooliga 31x10.5" Silverstone rehvid (5tk) Korvistmed 4-punkti vöödega (originaalistmeid ja - turvaöid saab kasutada samuti, tulevad kaasa) Auto kaal ca 1150kg Lisaks saab kaasa vajalikke varuosasid - roolivardad, ventikas, genekas, lääbad jms, mis ühel vistlusautol kuluallikaks on. Kokkuvöttes - ideaalne stardipakett neile, kes soovivad asja tõsiselt võtta
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